Sunrise 3-7-25. 7:20 am. 89* before declination. ---Clear golden skies this morning with a decent breeze. Wishing everyone a prosperous Friday and a great weekend!
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Sunrise 3-5-25. 6:59 am. 90* before declination. ---Beautiful clear day with Wind. I've been reminded of "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." Wishing everyone a successful Wednesday!
Views: 14
Sunrise 2-27-25. 7:03 am. 90* before declination. —Calm, pleasant morning. A few deg. above freezing. Wishing everyone a successful Thursday!
Views: 16
Sunrise 2-26-25. 7:05am. 94* before declination. —Sliver of an orange sunrise! Calm winds, scent of blooms, damp earth… Wishing everyone a beautiful Wednesday!
Views: 13
Sunrise 2-25-25. 7:06 am. 100* before declination. ---Beautiful, cheery, musical (I love birds) morning! Wishing everyone a cheery, successful Tuesday!
Views: 6
Snowy world 2-12-25. ---A nice fluffy snow reminding us that we can definitely see winter in mid Feb! Wishing everyone a save and beautiful Wednesday! (Without any of the stress, the snow can be extremely beautiful!)
Views: 8
Sunrise 2-11-25. —Cloudy with some breaks showing the sunlight. Little cold snap before moving on to spring. Wishing everyone a successful Tuesday!
Views: 14
Cloudy Skies 2-7-25. —Its been a little since we have seen the sun at sunrise. Cooler this morning with a stiff breeze. Wishing everyone a prosperous Friday and a great weekend!
Views: 7
Sunrise 2-3-25. 7:32 am. 108* before declination. ---Beautiful clear, calm and Spring feeling morning. Wishing everyone a prosperous day and a great week!
Views: 8
Sunrise 1-31-25. —Clear skies over-head. Thicker clouds on the horizon. Jackets are highly optional this morning! Wishing everyone a successful Friday and a great weekend!
Views: 19