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12'x20' Greenhouse with Electric Exhaust Fan, Double Doors and Center Table

Price: $9,191
Price Per Month: 3yr: $426/mo. -4yr: $383/mo. -5yr: $340/mo.

12'x20' Greenhouse with Electric Exhaust Fan, Double Doors and Center Table: $9,191. ---3yr: $426/mo. -4yr: $383/mo. -5yr: $340/mo. ---Greenhouse ready to start working/growing for you! Early starts, season extension, all-year growing... Shown with Chestnut urethane wainscot and 14' center table. Electric exhaust fan with thermostat works Electric exhaust fan with temerature/humidity thermostat to add the extra efficiency! Many uses for this amazing building! Sizes up to 16'x50'! Made with pride by our talented craftsmen! Many color options to choose from! ---RTO down-payment is 1 month's payment

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