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10x16 Side Utility with Flower Boxes

Price: 5% Sale: $4,679. Orig: $4,925
Price Per Month: 3yr: $217/mo. 4yr: $195/mo.

10x16 Side Utility with Flower Boxes: $4,679 on 5% Winter Sale. Orig: $4,925. ---3yr: $217/mo. 4yr: $195/mo. ---Simple, bright, sunny and cheery, ready to be placed and serve your needs and wants! Shown with Cream (Almond) sides with Barn Red metal roof and Barn Red trim. Mowers, science projects, Christmas decorations.... What would be the best use for this building? Sizes available up to 16'x50' with an almost unlimited amount of options! Made by our outstanding Amish/Mennonite craftsmen! ---RTO down payment is 1 month's payment

Views: 42

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